Saturday, April 2, 2011

This is a Thai Movie

Beberapa hari ini, anak anak cewe kelas gue lagi keranjingan sama film Thailand. Tapi gue baru sempet nonton 2 film, A Crazy Little Thing Called Love sama Hello Strangers. And my favorite is the first one "A Crazy Little Thing Called Love". This is the most romantic film I ever watched!

Ini adegan yang jujur sempet bikin gue mewek, si cowo nanem mawar sendiri susah payah dirawat sampe gede terus dikasih ke si cewe lengkap beserta daun akar dan tanah tanah yang masih nempel di akar. Itu romantis, banget. Oh ya, film ini based on true story loh, true story.

Shone: "Me too, wanted you to ride on my back"
Dan ini adegan lain yang sukses bikin gue nangis, waktu si cowo ngerelain si cewe buat cowo lain. He doesn't even care about his feeling.

And this film... It's about willing to see the person you love with other people

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